Student-Led Conferences
Three ASWSU student committees lead and organize conferences to welcome high school students to WSU each year. The conferences include mentors and guest speakers along with lasting connections.
Support a conference with your financial gift.

Shaping High School Asian Pacific Islanders for the Next Generation (SHAPING)
This conference is a leadership event that specifically targets junior and senior high school level students of Asian-American/Pacific Islander descent. This annual event on the Pullman campus intends to foster and address the needs of higher education among the Asian-American/Pacific Islander community.

Children of Aztlan Sharing Higher Education (CASHE)
The conference was created by WSU students in 1996. CASHE evolved into a conference where Chicano/a and Latino/a high school students from across the state spend a weekend at WSU experiencing leadership, cultural empowerment, and a desire to take this new knowledge back to their communities to share with others.

The Visionaries Inspiring Black Empowered Students (VIBES)
This conference brings motivated young African American high school students to WSU. Students will develop a culture of leadership through strong educational objectives, and knowledge of self and community, as well as to empower them with the belief they can attain their goals and objectives. The WSU students strive to give tomorrow's youth a sense of direction in higher education and community-minded leadership while mentoring them in the important responsibility they have as citizens, in order for them to be successful participants in the communities they lead.