Chartered Student Organizations can send emails to all students in the WSU community. Student Affairs Marketing coordinates and designs your HTML email. Email with questions. This service is only available to Chartered Student Organizations.
Request your HTML email at least 10 business days (2 weeks) before the send date. The email may not send on your requested date(s) if requests come in with short deadlines. Your send date cannot be on a weekend or WSU holiday.
Ask yourself these questions before ordering:
- When does this email send, and does it resend at a later date?
- Do I have approval from my advisor?
- Does the email need to match an existing campaign or a specific brand?
- Is your organization requesting multiple emails? If so, can you group them together into one email?
Do not order an HTML email through the Design and Printing Services website. Student Organizations must submit their HTML request through the Student Affairs Marketing button above.
Send Dates & Times
Chartered Student Organization HTML emails only send during regular school days and hours. No campus-wide HTML emails requested by a Chartered Student Organization will send during university holidays or weekends. There is not a guarantee your email will send at a specific time if requested. Please add any time request in the Student Org HTML Request Form "Additional Notes" field.
Student Organizations can resend their email once per promotion. Student Affairs Marketing can limit resends depending on how many emails Student Affairs is sending out. Please enter any requested resends in the Student Org HTML Request Form "Additional Notes" field.
The Process
Step 1
Submit your HTML email request through Student Affairs. Please type out all of your content into a document and format it in the way that you would like to see it. This service is not responsible for creating content.
- TIP: Screen readers can not read the text in an image. Any text in an image still needs to be typed in the body of your HTML email. We recommend avoiding images with text and submitting all of your content in a word document, attached to the form.
- Tip 2: HTML emails work well when there's an image at the very top. We recommend wider images instead of taller images.
Step 2
Student Affairs Marketing receives your HTML request. Student Affairs then emails the sender and the student organization's advisor. If approved, the student organization's advisor will reply back with approval. After receiving approval, Student Affairs Marketing will create the HTML email.
Step 3
The first proof can take up to 8 business days to receive. When reviewing your first proof, please review the HTML text, links, and media. Reply to the proof with all your edits or approval to move forward. Student Affairs will then edit the HTML and move it to test. A second proof can be sent depending on edits.
Step 4
A final test email will be sent to the sender for review. This is the final opportunity to review the HTML. Please review the text, links, and media. Reply with any final edits or approval. Requesting most of the edits in the first proof will help the process. The HTML will then send and the resends are scheduled.