Starting Your Student Organization

Establishing a student organization on campus is a simple process and can happen at any time throughout the school year.

We only ask for a few things:

1. Do Your Research
We want to make sure there aren’t any duplicate organizations, so we ask that you check out all the Registered Student Organizations on Coug Presence. If you don’t see anything similar to what your student organization wants to do, move on to step 2.

2. Find Your People
At least four members are required to establish a Registered Student Organization. Members and officers must be currently enrolled WSU students.

3. Identify an Advisor
Advisors can be faculty, staff, or graduate students with teaching, research, or graduate assistantship at WSU. Advisors must fill out the Advisor Agreement form, once per academic year, per student organization they advise. 

4. Attend Officer Training
Two Registered Student Organization Officers must complete an in-person officer training every year. Contact our team for dates.

5. Create Your Constitution
This document establishes your organization’s name, mission, and philosophy, and sets policies and procedures related to your members, officers, meetings, elections, and other functions that may be unique to your organization. Contact our team for a constitution template.

6. Make it Official
Complete the Organization Registration Form on Coug Presence to complete the process.

Student Org Manual

A comprehensive guide to WSU Pullman's resources, opportunities, and policies for Registered Student Organizations.